Gynecology Scanning
Ultrasound is an integral part of the gynecological evaluation of a female. A myriad of problems can occur in the lifespan of a female right from prepubertal age. Precise diagnosis and management is the corner stay of care and ultrasound plays a pivotal role in both.
Gynae ultrasound also referred to as pelvic ultrasound is a non-invasive (no nicks or cuts) test, performed in an outpatient setting. It may be performed either externally i.e via the abdomen or internally i.e via the vagina, the latter carried out only in females in whom a pelvic examination is possible. Attention to hygiene, patient comfort, patient privacy, and confidentiality will be strictly adhered to.
You may be required to have a pelvic scan under the following circumstances:
- Pain in abdomen
- Painful periods
- Painful sexual intercourse
- Abnormal bleeding either during menstruation or in the interval between menses or after sexual intercourse
- Vaginal discharge
- Difficulty in conceiving
- Abnormal lab tests such as a pap smear or blood tests related to the ovaries
- As part of routine health check-up
- To know the location of the intrauterine contraceptive device
Both 2 dimensional (2D) and 3 dimensional (3D) scans are performed depending on the indications. Blood flow studies of the uterus and ovaries termed as Doppler scan is also performed relevant to the indication for the scan.