3D & 4D Fetal Scans

3D ultrasound scans are “still” colour pictures of your baby in three dimensions. 4D ultrasound scans are moving 3D images of your baby, with time being the fourth dimension. In other words, 3D scans are similar to the coloured photos you see in newspapers and magazines.

The ideal time to have a 3D or 4D scan is between 26 and 32 weeks. This is because, after 26 weeks the baby has more fat beneath the skin, which gives a more ‘real-life” image of your baby’s face/ body parts. After 32 weeks the baby may gets into more difficult positions to scan so technically may be more challenging. So sometimes, the face may not be well visualised.

3D and 4D scans are not routine scans and will be more expensive. They are known to give you a better bonding experience. From a medical point of view, the benefits of 3D and 4D scans over 2D scans appears to be limited to certain clinical conditions.

2D, 3D and 4D scanning is not radiation and considered safe for the fetus when performed by experts who understand the physics of the ultrasound machine. Most of the current ultrasound machines are approved by the FDA for fetal scanning within limits.

What is 3D/4D scanning?

3D ultrasound scans are still color pictures of your baby in three dimensions. 4D ultrasound scans on the other hand are moving 3D images of your baby, with time being the fourth dimension.
In other words, 3D scans are similar to the colored photos you see in newspapers and magazines. A 4D scan will be mostly recorded on a DVD and given to you

When is it done?

The ideal time to have a 3D or 4D scan is between 26 and 32 weeks. This is because, after 26 weeks the baby has much fat beneath the skin. So, the facial bones show through the skin. After 32 weeks, the baby may get into more difficult positions to scan so technically may be more challenging. So sometimes, the face may not be well visualized. If you’re not able to get good views of your baby’s face, you may still be able to see her fingers and toes.

What to expect?

3D and 4D scans will probably be more expensive but will give you a better bonding experience because you might be able to see your baby’s face. From a medical point of view, the benefits of 3D and 4D scans over 2D scans appear to be limited.
However, 3D and 4D scans can occasionally be useful in giving additional information about a known abnormality. This is because these scans can show more detail from different angles. So, they can help in the diagnosis of problems such as cleft lip. This can help doctors plan the repair after birth.

Is 3D scanning mandatory/compulsory?

No, it is only done when it is medically indicated. Your doctor will decide if a 3D scan will further help in diagnosing a condition/ abnormality.

Is 3D/4D better than 2D/grey scale ultrasound?

No, 2D scanning is still the safest and standard mode of imaging the growth and development of the baby.

Is it safe?

3D and 4D scanning is considered safe in Fetal scanning